Friday, November 28, 2008

Worlds Apart

The distance is unmeasurable almost non-existent. A space that cannot be translated into digits or descriptions of clarity. Yet its distance is unbearably noticeable. As much as I try to seep the facts into deep holes, the dead fish of truth floats to the surface. I do understand and I do know, now. Would I want the story to be told differently? Would I want to edit out and in some characters? Probably not. Am I content with the truth? No. But the weirder thing is, I wouldn't want it any other way. Or, I just can't see it any other way. My imagination disintegrates at the pinch of this subject. Things are the way they are and I wouldn't want to see it another way. Any other way, wouldn't make sense. This already doesn't seem real, any more would only delude me, tossing me into crazy people land. I guess there's only so much I can take. And I say that for both sides.
Do I want to close this distance? Yes and no. Or should I say yes to an extent. I don't think closing the distance will settle me internally because "ILLOGICAL" will be racing across my mind if it were to. It just wouldn't make any sense. I should push away and escape the bounds I unknowingly created. I should break it before the cement dries, before any more building occurs. I guess that's what I should do. But most probably not what I am going to do.
I don't think I will be able to handle anything other than this current state. Nothing more, nothing less. Distance is good. More like I'll learn to know it as good.
"I just feel like we're in the same room, but we live in two worlds apart." - NLT

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