Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello 16.

I'm reflecting back on my day and I have small snippets that replay in my head. It's like a broken record. I thought it was going to be different and it played out differently in my head. Things are different now but I did expect our years of friendship to mean something more than a few words and one glance. But it's all good. The gust of reality brings shivers to my soul. But it's good. It's real.

Mother. I miss you. I woke this morning realising I was alone. I know you'll be back soon but you missed my birthday. You missed my 16th birthday. I don't blame you.
I was afraid to ask for you to be back by my birthday. But I couldn't. You're visiting your own mother and I won't go in between. I'm sitting here with the last few seconds of my birthday and all I want is one single hug. One single moment with you.

And now my birthday is over.

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