Thursday, December 18, 2008

Incoming 2009 means farewell year 9

We are gradually approaching 2009 and as we live our carefree lives for a few more weeks we must bid year 9 and the year 2008 farewell. No rewinds and no second times, this is it. This year is over. Many will look back and blame their circumstances on fate or bad luck but reminiscing with a negative tint over their perspective will bring nothing but regret. We are foolish to magnify minor disintegrating details of our past and allow it to linger with us in the present. What's done is done. Remember the good times and forget the bad. There's no need to hold and grip on to unpleasant things. We should make the most of now. The past does not matter. The future does not matter. Because we don't live in those places.
Like the turtle said in Kung Fu Panda: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present"
They say we don't recognise the significant moments of our lives while they are happening. We are blinded and too satisfied and often without realising we grow to be satisfied with being constantly unsatisfied. We tend to take things for granted only realising the worth of it when it has been taken away from us. Then the realisation bashes you and wakes you up from a sleep you don't even remember falling into. Like Sleeping Beauty you initially wake up unaware. And then you realise how much you needed and depended on it and how you love it.
Childhood. Saying goodbye to ninth grade is like saying goodbye to childhood. A place and time where things aren't serious and plainly simple. But the unfortunate truth is: we are growing up. As much as I wish I was Peter Pan, I find myself slightly excited for the future. The unknown brings ecstasy. Completely overwhelming and a mystery I am strangely delighted to see unfold. The future. So many questions and all the answers lie down the road of life waiting for our steps that will bring them to reality. Things will be different, that is for sure but how different? We'll just have to see. But a part of me wants to cling on to this year. I think I am too content with the present and a seed of uncertainty has been planted and it grows fear within me. A part of me fears the future yet another part anticipates for it. Contradicting, huh?

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